Cheap wine accessories are often just as effective as some of the more expensive alternatives.  At Top Note Design we like to test every wine accessory that we can find because we want to stock the best. We carefully select our range from the very best on offer.  However, customers will sometimes tell us about something they are looking for that we haven’t seen.  If we think it sounds interesting we will start searching and if we can’t find one we have been known to create a product ourselves.   Wine accessories include wine bottle stoppers, wine aerators, bottle openers and corkscrews.

Everything we sell works brilliantly but because we are designers we also want it to look beautiful.  We like to think about wine and fine design together however that doesn’t need to be expensive.

Cheap Wine Accessories

  • Wine and Champagne Stoppers – German based company Ad Hoc design these brilliantly effective wine and champagne stoppers.  They use silicon to make sure the seal is really tight together with stainless steel and plastic for a stylish look.
  • Drop Stop Wine Pouring Discs – These amazing discs are so easy to use.  Firstly roll and then put in the neck of your bottle for drip free pouring every time.   Just rinse after use and can then you can re-use.  Because we know how popular these are we sell them in packs of five.  We have put our own design on one side to make them look extra stylish.
  • Wine Notebook –  An inexpensive pocket-sized wine tasting notebook which is a must for any wine lover hoping to improve their knowledge.   Each page features a unique flavour wheel where you can record your impressions.  The wheel features scales for every key feature of the wine.  Firstly sweetness, balance, body, tannins and nose and finish and secondly the flavours and the aromas.  There is also a colour meter for recording the look of the wine as well as a space for giving the wine a star rating.  Finally there is space to keep any additional notes

Why not make up a gift set or gift box including a few of our less expensive wine accessories.  It will be a hit with any wine lover.

Cork Pops Refills
Cork Pops Refills (2 Pack)
Pack of 2 Refill Cork Pops Refill Cartridges.  Each cartridge will open between 60 - 80 bottles of wine.  These cartridges fit all cork pops models. Corkpops is one of the most innovative cork removers on the market.  Brilliant for taking corks out of vintage wine without damaging them.
£15.50 Add to cart
Stainless Steel Wine Measure
Stainless Steel Wine Measure
Keep track of how much you are pouring with this 125ml Stainless Steel Government Stamped Wine Measure.    It's all too easy to pour more than you realise, especially if you have large wine glasses.   Use this measure to see exactly how much you are pouring.  125ml is the standard size for a small glass of wine and this is about one and half units of alcohol.
£8.50 Add to cart
Le Creuset Foil Cutter
Le Creuset Foil Cutter
This boxed Le Creuset foil cutter will be popular with any wine lover. Lets you remove the foil from the top of your wine bottle with a quick, simple quarter turn. It fits comfortably and securely in your hand, so it’s a joy to use. Equipped with four sharp wheels, it cuts effortlessly through plastic and metal. No frayed edges in sight. Length: 1.5cm Width: 5cm Height: 7.5cm
£10.00 Read more
Butler's Thief Bottle Opener
Butler’s Thief Bottle Opener
Remove corks cleanly with this two pronged cork remover.  Makes a great alternative to using a corkscrew when you are dealing with an older cork.
£8.00 Read more
DropStop Wine Pouring Discs
DropStop Wine Pouring Discs
These ingenious wine pouring discs allowing you to pour wine without spilling a drop.  Featuring original Top Note Design artwork.  They are inexpensive and really easy to use.   Use each DropStop again and again.  Simply rinse, dry and place back in the envelope. Sold as a pack of 5 in a parchment envelope.  
£7.70 Read more
stainless steel wine bottle stopper kits
Stainless Steel Wine Bottle Stopper
This stylish, bottle stopper will seal your wine perfectly.  Flat design is ideal for storage in the fridge.  Easy to use and fits any bottle. Available in two styles clear plastic or stainless steel.
£12.00£14.00 Select options
Pullparrot Waiters's Corkscrew
Pullparrot Waiter’s Corkscrew
An opportunity to add some colour to your kitchen with these witty Pullparrot corkscrews which have won the 1st prize in the Gevrey-Chambertin corkscrew awards in France.  They have a dual retractable handle which effortlessly removes corks without breaking or damaging them.   Also with a blade for cleaning removing the foil from you bottle and adding it to your collection. Available in two stunning colours which complement our other products.  Each colourway features its own top note tasting note: Navy Blue  - top note of pepper Yellow Sun - top note of butter  
£9.00 Select options
Corkcicle Air - Wine Chiller
Corkcicle Air – Wine Chiller
Wonderful three in one wine cooler, featuring an icicle-shaped cooler, a pourer and a built-in aerator.   Keeps your wine perfectly cool and brings out the flavour.

£22.00 Read more